Ultrasound Peripheral IV (PIV) placement

Invasive medical procedures can result in harm to patients and the practitioner. They should only be performed by qualified professionals. This content is intended for informational purposes and to supplement proper training and supervision.
The creators of this content do not assume any liability for any injury arising from performing the procedure described.

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Pre-Scanning /
Site selection
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Procedure Appropriateness:
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Wash Hands
Wash Hands<br>
Peripheral IV
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Sharp Disposal
Sharp Disposal<br>
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Probe Cover
<div>Probe Cover</div>
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  1. Review Indications
  2. Gather supplies
  3. Pre-Cleaning
  4. Ultrasound Patient Info entry for image storage
  5. Pre-Scanning / Site selection
  6. Wash hands
  7. Sterilize
  8. Place probe cover
  9. Ultrasound Peripheral IV Placement
  10. PIV Dressing
  11. Sharp Disposal
  12. Documentation

